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The Buzzy Edible Insect Trend is Gaining Traction in the West

The Buzzy Edible Insect Trend is Gaining Traction in the WestWhen Mohammed Ashour walks into Aspire Food Group’s 150,000 square-foot cricket farm in London, Ontario, he is met with a symphony of chirping—for most people the sound of languid lakeside summers. For Ashour, Aspire’s co-founder and CEO, the tonal chirping of his Acheta domesticus crickets [...]

Everyone at the table with crickets – Luisa Torri

Everyone at the table with crickets – Luisa TorriInsects have been part of the human diet for thousands of years and it is estimated that today entomophagy, i.e. the practice of consuming them as food, affects about two billion people worldwide. Interest in this practice has been growing since the FAO, the United Nations Food [...]

Oaxaca, Mexico: Grasshopping for some mole on a plate

Oaxaca, Mexico: Grasshopping for some mole on a plateOaxaca, Mexico’s second poorest state, has for long had Chapulines, or grasshoppers, fire ants and agave palm worms as a source of protein, now, those insects are part of gourmet menus for those seeking culinary adventure.Read the Article

Tokushima high school serves up edible crickets in meals

Tokushima high school serves up edible crickets in mealsA high school in western Japan recently served food containing powdered crickets, collaborating with a local startup company that touts consumption of the nutritious and efficiently produced insects. Students from Komatsushimanishi High School in Tokushima Prefecture worked together with employees f…Read the Article

Eating Bugs: 6 Types Of Insects Eaten In Different Countries

Eating Bugs: 6 Types Of Insects Eaten In Different CountriesSeveral cultures around the world view insects as food: people eat insects fried, barbequed, or boiled and seasoned with spices. Of course, not all insects are popular, or even easy to find, for a home cook who wants to try them at home. Here are 6 [...]

A growing hunger for bugs

A growing hunger for bugsEdible insects have been served as food in Thailand for a long time, often visible at street vendor stalls selling trays of fried insects, silkworm pupae, bamboo worms, locusts, beetles and crickets, with soy sauces and even seasonings.Read the Article

Insect farming

Insect farmingThe Marine Institute is collaborating with a pair of global companies to develop a new, sustainable source of processing discards that can be converted into high-value compounds for the agriculture, medical and nutraceutical industries.Read the Article

New Bad News About Honeybees

New Bad News About HoneybeesMSNBC’s Alex Witt spoke with Anthony Nearman, who ran a study at the University of Maryland.» Subscribe to MSNBC: Republ...Read the Article